Tag: Comic Book Collecting
Bags, Boards and Boxes Episode 2: New Slabs From CBCS
Turn the volume up. I'm Camera shy.
Your Must Have Comics for July 29, 2020
Marvel Unveils Second Wave of Timeless Variants by Alex Ross
Excerpt taken from Marvel.com
Last month, the first of Marvel’s Timeless variant covers were unveiled. Now is your chance to see the additional covers in...
Your Must Have Comics for July 22, 2020
This my 50th episode of Must have Comics. So I went a little longer just speaking on the current situation of my collecting habits...
FHTI Review: Robert Kirkman’s Fire Power
Marvel Relaunches Iron Man in September
Wow who would have thought. With what was supposed to be a pulse pounding and invigorating story of Iron Man 2020 ended being very...